Kiya Winston is the wife of Mike Tomlin. Tomlin is Pittsburgh Steelers’ head coach. Mike Tomlin is the tenth African-American head coach in NFL football historyand. Mike Tomlin is also the youngest and second african american head coach to lead his team to a Super Bowl.
Kiya Winston met Mike Tomlin in the same college, The College of William and Mary. Kiya was a gymnast when she was in school. They were married in 1996.
Kiya is the editor and chief of the Kid Showbiz Magazine.In the video below, Kiya can be seen modeling her own dress designed for the Steelers Style 2007 charity event.
Please help our family.We live in Philadelphia, but i am a big Steelers fan. my son is my hero,a member of the Kappa Alpha Psi and college graduate who donated his kidney to my only daughter.unfortunately, it failed and she is back on dialysis.We are in need of a small home to start her on home diaylsis.She is attempting to live as normal as any other educated 29 yr old and I am desperate to have my family together.We lost our home and many thimgs of”comfort” when she became ill.If you can help in any way i am open to any suggestions. 484-477-7007