One thought on “LAPD Call Open Season On Kids In South Central (What Happened To Due Process?)”
Yes, that’s what we want here. This is a new program that the police can search anyone who they may be associated with a GANG.
We want the killing to stop. Once the person is cleared they are released and put into a database.
If you don’t live in LA shut up you are not in danger we are. I am a regular citizen of Los Angeles County with a 15 year old son and I want to stay alive.
There are not just targeting Blacks is mainly looking for the Hispanic Gangs that are randomly killing Black kids.
It’s deceiving that you only put a picture of a Black person. They have made more raids on the Mexican Mafia and over 100 captured and facing time. Also confiscated the HARLYEYS and they are up for Auction. CHECK YOU FACTS!
Yes, that’s what we want here. This is a new program that the police can search anyone who they may be associated with a GANG.
We want the killing to stop. Once the person is cleared they are released and put into a database.
If you don’t live in LA shut up you are not in danger we are. I am a regular citizen of Los Angeles County with a 15 year old son and I want to stay alive.
There are not just targeting Blacks is mainly looking for the Hispanic Gangs that are randomly killing Black kids.
It’s deceiving that you only put a picture of a Black person. They have made more raids on the Mexican Mafia and over 100 captured and facing time. Also confiscated the HARLYEYS and they are up for Auction. CHECK YOU FACTS!