got word that NFL star Quentin Jammer just sold one of houses after wrapping up his divorce to ex-wife Alicia James.
Jammer sold the family home in East San Diego for $1.2 million. Jammer and his ex-wife Alicia split in 2011, prompting the sale of the family home. They currently have a second home and a plot of land on the San Diego market as well.
In a recent interview with’s Kevin Acee, Jammer discussed his divorce from ex-wife Alicia and the emotional and mental pain he endured trying to bounce back from it.
Here’s a few excerpts on what Jammer had to say about his divorce:
Jammer on his subpar play on the field last year…
“I was going through a divorce,” he said. “It’s hard playing football when so much is on your mind.”
But all Quentin Jammer ever wanted to be was a husband and a dad. If you knew him, you knew that.
He grew up without the father he wanted. The vow Jammer made to himself to always be with his wife and children was not one of those tucked away in the subconscious. This is a man who many times over the years boiled down his life choices to the unassailable desire and sustaining need he had to place family above all else.
“I never wanted to be like what my dad and mom were,” Jammer said. “I wanted to be married forever.”
You didn’t see Quentin in public without Alicia. She shared billing on the name of his charitable foundation. Ask him what he’d be doing after work, and he’d smile and launch into a story about wrestling or playing ball with one or more of his three young sons.
Last year was different. He tried to keep his unraveled personal life a secret, but soon teammates and coaches knew. He practically sleepwalked through practices, meetings and even games.
“To me, it was kind of …” he said before trailing off. “As far as being a role model, I mean, I put it out there, I was always going to be with my wife. I never thought I’d be divorced … The biggest thing was I felt like a failure, a failure as a husband and a failure as a father.”
“People change and (stuff) happens,” said Jammer, who spoke only of the importance of his sons being secure and Alicia being happy. “To this day I love the hell out of my wife – or, my ex-wife.”