What Jammer does want to get across is the lesson he took from his time in the darkness. He first tried to hide his depression from his mother and younger brother, to whom Jammer has been a father of sorts. He did have a close friend, Ian Kennedy, who would not let Jammer push him away. And when Jammer informed his family of his troubles, they responded only with support.
ADVERTISEMENT - CONTINUE READING BELOW“The thing I’ll take away from that is you don’t go through that alone,” Jammer said. “Talk to somebody. Somebody may snap you out of it … I learned people really care about me and love me for me.”
He said there was no magical moment that got him up from the floor.
“Just time,” Jammer said. “You go out and you heal. You heal the best way you know how. You see all the people that support you and love you. You find out they all care about you. It gradually happened. I just got a little bit more happy, a little bit more happy. It just got a little better every day.”
He sees now he did not fail his kids or his wife or his brother or mom.
1st Photo Credit: Terez Owens
2nd Photo Credit: Jammer Foundation