just learned that a 22 year-old California woman named Denise Helms made a post to her Facebook account calling President Obama the “n-word” and referencing his assassination.
Shortly after President Obama was reelected on Tuesday night, Helms posted:
“Another 4 years of this (N-word). Maybe he will get assassinated this term.”
Sacramento’s Fox 40 News caught up with an unapologetic and dumbfounded Helms on Wednesday.
Here’s what she had to say below:
The Huffington Post reports:
Helms has since been fired from her job at a Turlock, Calif., Cold Stone Creamery, and the Secret Service is now looking into her comments.
Her Facebook account has since been deactivated.
Helm’s supervisor, Turlock Cold Stone Creamery store director Chris Kegle, told The Bee that he was shocked to read about his employee’s comments, which he said do not line up with his company’s values.
In a follow up interview on Thursday, Helms reneged from her previous comments and acknowledged what she said is wrong.
Watch the video below:
What do you think about this woman’s despicable comments? Should she go to jail?
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