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California Man Wins $120 Million Lottery. [Video]

Can you imagine if you won $120 million dollars in the lotto?

Well, that is exactly what happened to a man named Ronald Willis who knows his life will never be the same again after winning the lottery in California.

According to KNBC’s Craig Fiegener, Willis usually doesn’t purchase lottery tickets in Riverside, where he won this time – he almost always purchases in Rialto where he lives.

Willis grew up in Southern California and will receive a cool $70 million after taxes are taken out.

The face value of the winning ticket is $120 million.

Fiegener reports that Willis had been playing his ‘lucky’ numbers each week for six years.

Watch the video below for more details:
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NBA Wives Association Holds Annual 2012 Conference In Atlanta. [Photos]

Last weekend, the NBA Wives Association aka “Behind The Bench” held their annual 2012 conference in Atlanta at the “W” hotel in Buckhead.

Behind the Bench” is a national non-profit organization founded by Deborah A. Williams, Ph.D. Its membership is composed of current and retired NBA players’ wives and life partners. As the first and only national player-wives organization, Behind the Bench’s agenda addresses the challenges that face our families, especially women and children.

Behind the Bench raises money and devotes time to charities on a local and national level.
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