Meet Jana Carter, wife of activist, commentator, author, non-practicing attorney and CNN political contributor Van Jones.
We are not sure how Van and Jana first met or when they got married, but we do know the couple has been very quiet about their personal life. Over the years, the pair has not shared any info regarding their marriage, but it can be assumed the two have been together for quite awhile now.
According to Jana’s LinkedIn page, she is currently the Director of Operations and Producer at Magic Labs Media and owner of Kidpacking.
Jana Carter holds a J.D. from UC Berkeley’s School of Law. She served as the Director of Search for Common Ground’s USA Racial Healing program. She is a board member of The Garden Church. Jana and Van are the proud parents of two sons. The couple resides in California with their two sons.
Anthony Kapel “Van” Jones is an American activist, commentator, author and non-practicing attorney. He is the author of The Green Collar Economy and Rebuild the Dream, both ranking as New York Times bestselling books. He is a regular CNN contributor and current presenter of the news feature documentary series and subsequent studio discussion series, “The Messy Truth with Van Jones,” which is also featured on CNN. Also, Jones served as President Barack Obama’s Special Advisor for Green Jobs.
Also, Jones served as President Barack Obama’s Special Advisor for Green Jobs.
Back in November 2016, the night Donald Trump won the presidential election, Van Jones gave an emotional commentary on why he felt Trump’s win was the result of a “White Lash” towards the change in demographics of the country and the first Black president, Barack Obama.
Watch the video below…
Photo Source/Credit: Van Jones