2 thoughts on “Shanel Cooper Explains Why Women Can’t Find A Good Black Man!”
Great info! I wish more women would spread this amongst themselves because most don’t seem to have a clue these days about what they are really looking for, how to get it, why, or what do with it if/when they DO find it!
I would add that a lot of problems would be cleared up if we just told the females of our race to keep their legs closed, and hold our males to a standard great enough to sustain us in relationships and as a race. But we don’t do that, so women have learned through the media over the past few decades that a man should be a thug, criminal, liar, cheater, crook, etc, and this is what is portrayed to be attractive.
Yep, he might have spent some time lifting weights so his arms are swollen but if women understood that THEY hold all the power WITH their power of choice then they wouldn’t get all messed up – thus messing over GOOD Brothas who WOULD be the man they want and need in their lives – later when they have been screwed over by men they KNEW were not any good in the first place!
I have met a LOT of women that looked great, had their life together, great kids to raise: the perfect situation to walk right in and build a life together. But they also were deeply scarred due to their extremely BAD life partner choices during the course of their adult life.
The solution to this is very simple: KEEP your legs closed! Women, PLEASE start giving yourself enough time to find out who these guys REALLY are: only TIME will tell. But you are out just to get your rocks off – just like he is – you can’t come along later say that “all men are bad” or be angry or bitter about something that clearly was gonna be nothing more than a booty call…and one one should have had in another town for one night only, at best. Instead, you have babies by these men, and they run off, wind up in jail, you find out they are on the DL, and they see you as a mark that they can keep preying on which only makes your life a living hell.
What man then wants to settle down with someone that has got all that “hot mess” going on? Well, look around you, and SEE how many women fit into this scenario!
I am loving the knowledge that was given to all of the Men Haters, what was said is so so so very true, from a good brotha to a sista that now’s what she is talking about, all I can say is preach on sista!
Great info! I wish more women would spread this amongst themselves because most don’t seem to have a clue these days about what they are really looking for, how to get it, why, or what do with it if/when they DO find it!
I would add that a lot of problems would be cleared up if we just told the females of our race to keep their legs closed, and hold our males to a standard great enough to sustain us in relationships and as a race. But we don’t do that, so women have learned through the media over the past few decades that a man should be a thug, criminal, liar, cheater, crook, etc, and this is what is portrayed to be attractive.
Yep, he might have spent some time lifting weights so his arms are swollen but if women understood that THEY hold all the power WITH their power of choice then they wouldn’t get all messed up – thus messing over GOOD Brothas who WOULD be the man they want and need in their lives – later when they have been screwed over by men they KNEW were not any good in the first place!
I have met a LOT of women that looked great, had their life together, great kids to raise: the perfect situation to walk right in and build a life together. But they also were deeply scarred due to their extremely BAD life partner choices during the course of their adult life.
The solution to this is very simple: KEEP your legs closed! Women, PLEASE start giving yourself enough time to find out who these guys REALLY are: only TIME will tell. But you are out just to get your rocks off – just like he is – you can’t come along later say that “all men are bad” or be angry or bitter about something that clearly was gonna be nothing more than a booty call…and one one should have had in another town for one night only, at best. Instead, you have babies by these men, and they run off, wind up in jail, you find out they are on the DL, and they see you as a mark that they can keep preying on which only makes your life a living hell.
What man then wants to settle down with someone that has got all that “hot mess” going on? Well, look around you, and SEE how many women fit into this scenario!
I am loving the knowledge that was given to all of the Men Haters, what was said is so so so very true, from a good brotha to a sista that now’s what she is talking about, all I can say is preach on sista!