Actor Will Smith’s double-decker movie trailer is stirring up controversy from residents in the SoHo neighborhood in New York, where Smith is filming his new film, “Men and Black III.” Local residents say the size of Smith’s trailer is taking up parking, making a lot of noise and casting off fumes.
Due to complaints, Mayor Blumberg ordered Smith to relocate his trailer to an empty parking lot about a half of mile away from the filming location.
According the NYPOST, Smith’s 1.8 million dollar, 1,150 square feet trailer is larger than most two-bedroom, two-bathroom apartments in New York City. Rent for the luxury trailer is $9,000 a week.
The NYPOST reports, “The specially designed ride, nicknamed “The Heat,” includes a lounge, a movie room with a 100-inch screen, marble floors throughout, offices for his assistants and writing staff, a large bedroom and all-granite bathroom. It measures about 53 feet long, has 22 wheels and weighs in at around 30 tons.”
The NYPOST reports, “With the push of a button it can double its height in just 30 seconds and sells for just under $2 million. Inside, it features a full-service kitchen with arched windows, and matched-grain Italian cherrywood cabinetry. There’s even a space for Smith to have his makeup and wardrobe done. A satellite uplink on the roof can send Smith’s movies to and from a 50-inch plasma TV or 37-inch TVs that pop up from cabinets. The trailer also features a 100-inch roll-down movie screen. Upstairs holds a lounge with a bar, enough office space for 30 people to hold a meeting, and the mobile offices of Smith’s assistant and his personal writing staff.”
Watch the video below:
Smith’s state of the art trailer is a high end product of Anderson Mobile Estates.
In the same neighborhood, Smith is renting a five-bedroom, 6.5-bathroom apartment for $25,000 a month on Bond Street.
1st Photo/Video Credit: NYPOST
2nd Photo Credit: Anderson Mobile Estates