NBA superstar Dwyane Wade’s ex-wife, Siohvaughn Wade, 31, opened up to “Mail Online” in a lengthy new interview about the crushing moment she found out she had lost custody of their two sons after a four-year battle and how her ex-husband even accused her of kidnapping the boys when she failed to hand them over after a visit in June.
Also, Siohvaughn discussed her heartfelt pain of losing custody of her two sons and explains how she feels the “NBA Lifestyle” destroyed her marriage with her ex-husband Dwyane Wade.
Via Mail Online:
She felt moved to publicly reveal her torment weeks after Wade, who has enjoyed a nine-year career as shooting guard with the Miami Heat and accrued a fortune of $65 million, released his book, A Father First: How My Life Became Bigger Than Basketball.
The memoir’s portrayal of Wade, 30, is fiercely disputed by his ex-wife, who said she saw him harshly discipline their eldest son, Zaire, now 10, in a repeat of the own emotional abuse he suffered at the hands of his strict father.
‘I was concerned,’ Siohvaughn, 31, said. ‘There was not a time out or anything. Zaire was small in age and small in size.
‘I would remind Dwyane of the things that had happened to him when I noticed him doing it to his sons. If this sort of thing was happening inside the house what was happening when I wasn’t there?’
She passed on her fears at custody evaluations during their lengthy dispute over who would get their two children, Zaire, 10, and Zion, five, but her concerns were ignored, she said.
Despite an expert witness concluding that the children would be best placed with their mother in Chicago – with two visits to their father’s Miami home each month – the court gave Wade custody of the youngsters on March 11, 2011, a decision she puts down to his ‘celebrity, influence and money’.
He was granted sole custody of the children, with two visits a month from their mother. The judge also ordered no contact between Siohvaughn and the boys for 30 days.
News of the ruling came through just hours after Siohvaughn had kissed her sons goodbye as they boarded a plane for their fortnightly trip to Miami.
‘I promised them I would see them on Sunday; I learned from that not to make children promises,’ she said, tearfully.
‘When my lawyer called, I knew it was bad news but I begged him to tell me. I remember taking a moment to pause. I could break down at that moment or I could say, “God help me”. There’s no money that can buy that kind of strength.
‘In the hours and weeks after, I cried and cried and I remember being scared when I’d see them again. Would they look different? Would their clothes still fit them? Would they still love me? I worried that they would think I wanted them to go away. There’s nothing anyone could have done for me to say, “Get me away from them”.’
Siohvaughn said the judge ordered she not contact the boys for a month as they settled in with their father – a ruling that horrified her.
‘The way it broke down was heartbreaking. It was a mourning to me rather than a divorce. This person I had loved was literally dead’
‘How devastating and traumatic for these two small boys,’ she said, sobbing. ‘Zion was a baby. To tell your baby that I’m going to see them in two days and that turns into two months. I can’t describe what it felt like to speak to them after 30 days. They were crying so hard they couldn’t even talk.’
Photo Credit: Brian J. Hurst