R&B singer/actress Brandy posed for the latest cover of PYNK Magazine and sat down for an exclusive interview where she dished on how she first met her fiancé Ryan Press and how she know he was “the one.”
Check out what Brandy had to say below:
You recently became engaged. How did you and your fiancé meet and how did you know he was “the one”?
“He’s a music executive. So, we actually met in the studio a long time ago. We reconnected at a music event sometime later and when we talked, it just felt like I knew him. Then I would just run into him in random places in New York…I’d walk into a restaurant for lunch and he’d be there. I ended up running to him at another event and he kept staring at me the whole night. It made me so uncomfortable because I thought he was married. So, I told him that he should stop staring at me because he’s married and it’s not a good look. He was like ‘what are you talking about? I’m not married.’ [laughs] From there, we just started talking on the phone. Then, dating. When he told me he was relocating to LA for his job, I just thought to myself, ‘he’s going to be my husband’. I took that as a sign.”
How do you balance your career, motherhood, and preparing to become a wife?
“I don’t know! [laughs] It’s hard. I haven’t worked this hard in my life! My daughter has her own life now. She’s getting older so she has her own schedule now. Sometimes, I want her to travel with me and she’s like ‘no mom. I have a school trip I have to go on.’ [laughs] I have a great support system though. My fiancé, my mom and god-sisters they definitely help out.”
In case you missed it, Brandy was on the “Wendy Wendy Show” a few weeks ago and also chatted about how her fiancé Ryan popped the big question. Brandy also revealed if she plans on doing a wedding reality show and who her Maid of Honor is!
Check out the video below:
Photo Credit: Brandy Norwood/Twitter